The Sprawl nominated for 7 Alberta Magazine Awards

And the nominees are…

Yesterday I got some good news.

The Sprawl is a relatively new member of the Alberta Magazine Publishers Association, and yesterday the organization announced the nominees of its annual Alberta Magazine Awards.

The awards celebrate "the outstanding work of Alberta magazine writers and visual creators." And Sprawl contributors are nominated for seven—count 'em, seven!—awards.

Here are the nominees:

  • Jeremy Appel is nominated in the Feature Writing (Short) category for his story on whether Calgary police were going easy on some protests, while bringing the law down on others. (Read it here.)

  • Bertrand Bickersteth is nominated in the Alberta Story category for his essay on agrarian leader Henry Wise Wood and his family's little-known connection to slavery—and what such connections mean for Alberta today. (Read it here.)

  • Ximena González is nominated in the Feature Writing (Short) category for her story about online neighbourhood watch groups, and their power to form strong social bonds while also excluding others. (Read it here.)

  • Sam Hester is nominated in the Alberta Story category for "I don't want to give up on you, Alberta," one of her much-loved Sprawl comics. Are our best days behind us in this province? Not yet, she writes. (Read it here.)

  • Taylor Lambert and Jeremy Klaszus are nominated in the Profile category for our story on Mayor Jyoti Gondek, which looked at Gondek's first term on council and her connections with the development industry. (Read it here.)

  • Slugger Studio (Chris Pecora + Cam Hoff) are nominated in the Art Direction for a Single Issue category for The Election Almanac, last year's hard-copy Sprawlzine that we mailed out to our members before the municipal election.

  • Jeremy Klaszus, Hamdi Issawi, Miranda Martini, Emily Riddle, Anmarie Bailey, Jeremy Appel, Sikapinakii Low Horn, Amanda Schutz, Kyle Simmers, Paula Kirman, Sam Hester, Len Dueck, Chris Pecora and Cam Hoff are nominated in the category of Editorial Package for The Election Almanac.

This is one heck of a lineup. Big thanks to all of our members—the people who pitch in a few dollars a month to make all of this journalism possible in the first place! Thanks to you, The Sprawl can keep digging and telling local stories that aren't being told elsewhere.

Congrats to all. Winners are announced in September, so wish us luck!

Jeremy Klaszus is editor-in-chief of The Sprawl.

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